Together with Little World Nepal, We Reintegrate a child from the street of Kathmandu to his family in Barhabise, Sindhupalchowk.
Kamal Shrestha, 13 year old boy from Barhabise left his home at the age of 11.
As he was born in a very poor family and the life was very difficult. His family has only a small hut as their property. The income of his family depends on the daily wages earned by his mother and father, working hard in the nearby market.
When kamal turned 11 his parents got another child, which only proved him a burden for the family. His parents could not send him to the Boarding school. He left his school at grade 3 and moved to kathandu City. Due to different reason like economic reason, disappointment with the parents and hard schooling, also he was willing to see the city life.
He reached in Kathmandu as an innocent child from the remote village. He was unknown to everybody in the city. Nobody even looked at him, no care, no love and started to struggle for the betterment of his life being the street dweller of kathmandu city. He started spending his whole days and nights in the street. He became very close with the street life and also started living together with other street dwellers of the city. He was loved by street elements, street people, street Dogs and children like him. Gradually he went on enjoying his life in the street aiming a dark future. He started begging, collecting plastic, working in some hotels, for his livelihood. To forget his disappointment he also started using 'GLUE'(drugs).
After a year of life on the street, Social work student and member of LWN had got a chance to communicate with him and also with other street children.
As LWN member had started a special program package for street children at that time. Those children were invited to their office for bathing and clothing program. At the same time they also encouraged the children to go back to their own home. Frequently that kind of program was organized on the occasation of the birth day party of the LWN member and also by spending their pocket money.
Again on Dec 2010, LWN member again got contact with the Kamal for the same program. The sponsor for the program of this time was Christian Petit and Little world Nepal France. We conducted a program among 6 children, where they were invited in LWN office. They were provided with hot shower clean clothes, good and delicious food and finally they had fun at fun parks whole day.
On the very next day Kamal showed his interest to go back to his family. so it was really a good news for us and for his family, so the social worker gave him counseling about his future, about family and the very next day he was provided with the contact number of the member of the LWN along with his little bags. And finally he said bye bye to the Dark Street life of Kathmandu City. He promised that he will never be back to the street if he get some chance to uplift his bright future in his own village.
After a week LWN member along with the LWNF went to his village and visited his family. And they made arrangements for his study at the school nearby. They also gave some inputs to the family member and promise to help for his good future.
And these days everything is ok the foundation is well concerned for the follow up and he is doing Good.