mardi 17 octobre 2017

Kabita commence un travail pour le gouvernement

kabita vient de nous faire parvenir des nouvelles, elle a réussit son concours pour travailler pour le gouvernement Népalais comme infirmière,  LWNF lui souhaite une bonne carrière dans ce difficile métier.

message de Kabita

Hello Baje,
How are you and LWNF team members? I am very good. I am very happy to announce you and LWNF members about my job in governmental primary health care for the post of ANM (nursing).
I passed in both written and interview because of Which I got job.
So I would like to thank you all for your support and affording my study cuz it wouldn't have been possible if you hadn't help me. I have started to work on my office and happy to get job.

Once again thank you so much for the help. Happy Dipawali 2074😋