lundi 24 septembre 2012

lettre envoyee au journal du Nepal HIMALAYAN

Bonjour à vous tous !

Dans quelques jours, c'est le départ pour le Népal pour la livraison de notre ambulance. Ce projet a été réalisé avec vous tous dans un temps très rapide, tout est en place. Il nous reste plus qu'un papier à obtenir de l'administration du Népal à croire que tous les pays sont égaux dans les problèmes administratifs, la lenteur est de règle.

Je vous tiens au courant des évènements.     

Encore merci à vous tous !

Lettre envoyée à  "HIMALAYAM  TIME"  

Administrations are they all the same in France and in Nepal????

After my first visit to Nepal in 2007, I decided to establish an association to aid youths living in a village called Garimundi by providing them with education materials and fund for their studies.

Later, I suggested them to form an association of youths on their own and submit projects to our association here in France so as to improve their village school and living conditions.

Our main work was on assisting to the schools by renovating toilets, bringing drinking water in the school and the financing of several young students to complete their higher education and continue their study in the capital city, Kathmandu.

The last year we had finalized the draft for the purchase of an ambulance in the same village, Garimundi .It is the association Little World Nepal (LWN) papers dealing with to make an agreement with the government to be exempt from taxes.

We are coming to Nepal on October 11. 18 people in total for both events, i.e. On October 13, 10 of us are to participate in the half marathon of Kathmandu and the next day we set off towards the village to deliver the ambulance (ambulance phantom) that will render many services to the whole population living in the area and its outskirts.

However, the problem we are facing is the entire administrative problem. It’s been very hectic days since government offices are delaying to deal with the papers and documents. French Press will also travel to report on this action, which will suffer the most "association in France????? Association in Nepal????? Country's image???? ? or image as their official chair reading this article in the newspaper????

We still have three weeks to go on the positive side of this. I hope it will all work out. We all love Nepal and its people. It is our dream to deliver this ambulance on October 14.